Aquascape DIY Backyard Pond Kit Pond

Ponds by Aquascape
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The Aquascape DIY Backyard Pond Kit contains all necessary components for constructing a stunning ecosystem pond in any location. This eliminates the need for guesswork and calculations when purchasing individual parts. The inclusive kit features a skimmer and BioFalls® filter for efficient mechanical and biological filtration, as well as an energy-efficient EcoWave® pond pump for optimal water flow.

DIY Backyard
Pond Kits
Item Number(s) 99763 | 99764 | 99765
Skimmer Signature Series 200 Pond Skimmer
BioFalls Signature Series 1000 BioFalls
BioFalls Rock Tray
BioBalls Filter Media
Pump* EcoWave 2000
Pond Powerhead
Faux Driftwood 30"
Pipe Kink-Free 1.5 in x 25 ft
Liner Material 45 mil EPDM (Fish Safe)
Liner Size*

8 ft x 10 ft
(Kit #99763)

10 ft x 12 ft
(Kit #99764)

12 ft x 15 ft
(Kit #99765)

Finished Pond Size*

4 x 6 x 2 feet
(Kit #99763)

6 x 8 x 2 feet
(Kit #99764)

8 x 11 x 2 feet
(Kit #99765)
(LxWxMax Depth)


80 sq. ft
(Kit #99763)

120 sq. ft
(Kit #99764)

180 sq. ft
(Kit #99765)

Automatic Dosing System
App/WIFI Connected
Installation Kit

 Freight Shipping: Pond Kit 8’ x 11’

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